Our days were filled with yummy food, amazing classes, crafting, hiking, sitting on the dock and lots of laughter. We were even fortunate to spend the weekend on the lake during the Harvest full moon. – Anna Dianich
It’s a simple thing, really — we throw some clothes in a suitcase, blow a kiss to our loved ones and head to the lake. What isn’t so easy is how to describe the experience which is why it is so helpful to rely upon the recaps people share like lovely Anna’s recounting of her time at Squam this past September (click on link above) and below, Heather’s efforts to dodge the woo (good luck with that!) during the June 2015 gathering.
I never wrote a blog post about the Squam Art Workshops before, though I’ve been attending since 2011. I suppose I never knew how to put it all into words: meeting great people, taking intriguing classes, dodging “woo”, and, well, the food. – Heather Classen
This year will be the tenth time we have gathered at the lake in September. Each one has been unique and each one has shared certain things in common: time for play and creative self-expression, space for reflection, a chance to create lasting friendships, and the privilege to experience a most exquisite place in the natural world.
“The magic of this place never ceases to amaze me. The beauty. The people. All of it.” – Stephinie Miner
And, as we shared at the blog — this will also be our last gathering. All good things must come to an end — but you can be sure, we will have some extra special treats waiting for you as we bring this magical era to a close.
For those joining us in September, we have a couple of special EXTRAS lined up for you: For the first time ever, we are delighted to have Stephinie Miner of Sweetbrier Farms Apothecary bring us into her world with a wee workshop called Alchemy of Scent. Stephinie will begin the workshop with a short introduction to the European method of blending. Then, after she leads us through a short meditation we will create a natural perfume that is uniquely designed to our spirit. This sweet scent will be ours to carry home— bringing the magic of the lake into your every day.
It is an extraordinary pleasure to announce that to help us celebrate our tenth September gathering at the lake, Dr. Giavanni Washington will be hosting TWO fabulous sacred circles. On Thursday evening, her RhythmQuest circle will take place in the Playhouse and be limited to the first 30 people who sign up. Then, on Friday night, Dr. Washington will be holding a sacred RhythmQuest circle for the entire community and open to all in the Deephaven Dining Hall. Please note, no musical experience is necessary. Following Dr. Washington’s leadership, we will connect through making music in the moment which will help us to move out of vulnerable liminality and step joyfully into confident realization.
As always, there will be a number of dreamy yoga classes available for you, too.
Click here
Fall 2017 is sold out.*
*Thank you so much for your interest! This retreat is currently full. However, life can be unexpected, cancellations do occur so there is a waiting list. If you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please email elizabeth@squamartworkshops.com
To REGISTER simply follow the FOUR steps below:
- Download the registration form at the BOTTOM of this page. Simply fill out the two fields below and you will be directed to a link to download the form.
- Print it out.
- Complete and sign the form.
- Send it to us!
- If you are mailing your registration form you may post mark it anytime after Monday, January 9th, 2017 to provide enough time for it to arrive by the 16th.
- If you are emailing your registration form, you may do so anytime beginning Monday, January 16th, 2017 to hello@squamartworkshops.com.
- If you are paying via PayPal, this will become available to you after pre-registration closes.
(includes all workshops, evening events, 4 nights lodging, full meal plan)
OFF-CAMPUS lodging – 790 USD
(includes all workshops, evening events, three lunches and one dinner)
The following meal options are available ONLY to off-campus attendees:
Four breakfasts – 45 USD
Three dinners – 65 USD
Some notes:
- if you want to share a cottage with a particular person (or group) please send ALL your registrations together in ONE envelope.
- if you have a particular cottage you want most, do let us know
- there are very few single rooms and most are in LARGE cottages so if you want single and small, that’s not often available and you might want to choose between which of those two things you want most.
PLEASE NOTE: There are no one-day classes available. This is a five-day retreat and we are not able to offer any partial attendance at this time. Thank you for your kind understanding.
Cancellation Policy: No refunds after May 31st, 2017. There are no exceptions. All requests for refunds must be received in writing before May 31st, 2017. (You may have someone else take your spot before August 15th, 2017, but we must be notified of all changes). Pre-registration fee is non-refundable or transferable. Deposits are non-refundable or transferable. In the case of acts of God, war, disaster or unforeseen circumstances, Soliden LLC reserves the right to reschedule Squam Art Workshops.
Release Form: I have read all the above policy information and I agree to assume all risk of personal harm or injury relating to or resulting from my participating in all workshops and activities associated with Squam Art Workshops, and to hold Soliden LLC and its teachers, harmless as to liability for any such harm or injury.
TO DOWNLOAD THE REGISTRATION FORM, simply fill out the form below. You will then be directed to a link to download the form.
Location & Travel Info
Click to view detailsHow do I get there?
RDC is approximately 2.5 hrs from Boston and 1 hour north of Concord, NH.
Directions: Take I-93 to Exit 24 in Ashland, NH.
Take a Right off the Highway and follow US Route 3 & 25 east (approx. 4.2 miles) to Holderness. Take a Left on NH Route 113 just before the Holderness Bridge (Walter´s Basin Restaurant).
Travel northeast on Route 113 for 5.0 miles to Pinehurst Road. “Rockywold Deephaven Camps” sign is on the right.
Take a Right on Pinehurst Road and continue for 0.6 mile and take a right at the main entrance (Armstrong Road).
Where is the closest airport?
Manchester Airport in Manchester, NH, is 1hr 15 mins away by car and a big hub for Southwest Airlines. Logan Airport in Boston is about 2.5 hours away by car. Rental cars are available at both airports, or check out the shuttle services below.
Is there transportation to and from the airport?
Below is contact information for a local shuttle service. They are familiar with SAW and RDC. Please contact them directly to arrange transportation.
Mountain View Shuttle: 603.536.4090. Reservations@MtnViewShuttle.com
Concord Trailways has very limited service to Center Harbor, NH, which is 15 minutes away from Squam. If you choose this option we can work with you to arrange a ride to campus.
How do I arrange carpooling or make contact with other Squammies?
YES. There is a wonderful community at the SQUAM RAVELRY site. (You need to join Ravelry to access the board, but it is free). This is a fabulous place to ask questions, meet new friends, and make arrangments for carpooling.
Driving Distances (approximate)
Boston, MA 2.5 hours
Portsmouth, NH 1.5 hours
Hartford, CT 3.5 hours
New York City, NY 6 hours
Montreal, Canada 4 hours
Closest Airport is Manchester, NH (MHT)
Also check out a Google map of the area.
Click to view detailsMay I bring a guest who is not taking classes?
Yes. Contact us (elizabeth AT squamartworkshops DOT com) for the cost of room and board for the non-participant(s).
What else of interest is nearby for my guest/family to see and do while I’m in class?
Check out the list on the RDC website. This includes area galleries, attractions, dining options, etc.
Where’s the nearest…?
ATM and Gas- Merrill’s Convenience Store in Holderness
General Store for snack, beer, wine and sundries – Squam Lake Marketplace, Holderness
Grocery Store- Bob’s Shurfine in Ashland (exit 24 Rt 93), Heath’s in Center Harbor or Hannaford’s in Meredith
Pharmacy- Rite-Aide in Meredith
Liquor Store- Ashland, NH State Liquor Store (exit 24 on RT 93)
What about meals? I have food allergies / I am vegetarian/vegan.
RDC is prepared to cater to various food allergies such as gluten or lactose-intolerance. Meals are offered buffet-style and always have a wide variety of options, including a huge organic salad bar with all the fixings. If in doubt about a dish, the staff is very helpful about asking the chef about the ingredients. In the past about 10% of our attendees have been gluten-free and have raved about the food. Contact us if you have major concerns.
Are there any scholarships available?
Unfortunately, we do not have the funding to provide scholarships or work/study programs. Some Squammies have had success with a number of different approaches: a few put up contests at their blogs, several teachers asked their schools to pay the tuition as part of their continuing education (we provide certificates). Go to the message board for additional ideas. The collective energy there is amazing and you will likely find some genuine help and support.
What’s the weather like? What clothes should I bring?
Weather in NH can vary wildly in the course of a single day, from cold to hot and back to cold again. So, do like the French and bring layers. You’ll likely have a hoodie on in the morning, take that off in the afternoon, and don a fleece or jacket once evening sets. Sneakers are your best bet for footwear, but also bring something for your feet in case of rain. And speaking of rain, you’ll want an anorak or rain jacket on hand as well as umbrella to ensure that it doesn’t rain. For sleeping, consider warm socks, pjs and/or sweats, and a bathrobe for snuggling up in front of the fire with your new friends. Although the down comforters will keep you warm and cozy, cabins are not insulated. Some attendees bring a knit hat to sleep in. And dare we suggest a bathing suit?
What other things should I bring?
Flashlight (with extra batteries) is a must-have. Also consider: camera, alarm clock, small reading light, ear plugs, bug repellant, bottle opener, hat, phone charger, travel mug (for coffee or tea from the dining hall or in your cabin), snacks (there is no cafe on campus for in-between meals). Cabins have small iceboxes, but no microwaves. You may bring your own small coffee maker or electric tea kettle for early morning/late evening beverages. Don’t forget the fixings! The paths between classrooms and cabins are lovely and blanketed with pine needles, but not paved, so a rolling cart for your art supplies would be tough to manage. We suggest a backpack or carryall bag.
May I ship my art supplies ahead of time?
You are welcome to ship your materials ahead to NH so you can travel more easily. Please follow the instructions below:
Address your box clearly to:
YOU, c/o Rockywold-Deephaven Camps, 18 Bacon Rd, Holderness, NH 03245
For all shipping, YOUR NAME and SAW must be clearly indicated so they know to hold it aside for you. Please do not ship your materials more than three weeks before your session begins. Our storage space is limited! This bit is important: to ship things home again you must repack your box so it can be shipped directly from RDC. We will not have any shipping materials for you, so put them in the box you ship out. All boxes to be shipped must be left at the RDC office packed and ready to go. Once the box is in the mail we will send you a bill by email.
May I attend just one day, one workshop or an evening event?
The Squam Art Fair is open to all and we do hope you’ll attend this fabulous event.
What contact information should I leave for my family?
The main number for the Rockywold Office is 603.968.3313. Cell phone reception at RDC is fairly good. Wireless is available in most locations. Also, leave them with the RDC website.
Is this just for women?
No. Don’t let the photos fool you. Although it is true that, to date, the majority of people who attend SAW are female, we have had men at every session and their numbers are growing. To be clear, SAW is open to all.