Four years ago, my sweet friend Sissy and I embarked on a rather epic trip to the UK.
Epic because Sissy was nearly five months pregnant, it was winter and our destination required a series of trains, planes and automobiles. Still, we did it and had a most marvelous adventure replete with a return trip that is worthy of the record books. The reason for the journey was that I had been forever wanting to take a class with Julie Arkell and this was my chance.
It was all I hoped it would be and more.
Below are the creations I made that continue to surprise me with their presence. No idea where they came from, but I do love them something fierce.
All of this came to mind recently as I was chatting with ANN WOOD and we discovered we were both Julie Arkell fangirls. You can listen to the whole conversation at MORNING on the DOCK.
And so, in the event you don’t know Julie and also in the spirit of bright, vibrant inspiration in this rather gray time of year (here in Northeast, anyway) we are offering a GIVE-AWAY of Julie’s latest book: Away (pictured on right)
Just like Ann who works her magic into bits of cloth and wool, each stitch made with love and wild creativity, Julie’s creative life is a source of endless inspiration for me. Since she has no online presence — no blog, no daily IG feed — this is a true treasure.
“Anthropomorphising inanimate craft works is something that makes many a craft naysayer uncomfortable.
But for the rest of us, glimpsing human-like life, emotion or personality in a piece is a thing we treasure.
It pulls us toward a piece. Arkell’s work involves, and always has done, the human experience as conveyed through somewhat humanistic doll figures.” – Sara Roberts, Away
To ENTER, simply head over to the SQUAM facebook page and leave a comment on the photo above about a detail of your daily life that makes you happy!
Comment must be posted by 12 noon EST Thursday, February 25th, 2016.
We will announce winner at the fb page!
bisous, Elizabeth
PHOTO CREDIT: All photos above thanks to Forrest Elliott.
Where have I been? I am just seeing this now. How I love these little whimsical critter people that portray such magical stories. Oh, YES, I adore Ann Wood too.