strange but sacred

“We are not some early Dell Computer Operating System, here to be de-bugged. We are not some new product for sale, here to be perfected. The goal is not to become an immaculate golden orb. The goal is to return to a place of kindness, where you can be gentle with yourself and others, no matter what arises. This requires, I think, a friendly sort of loving humor about who you are and who we all are. Why does the Dalai Lama have such a … View Post

handmade is best

Here’s an ugly truth: one of the reasons I adore mixed media painting is that it is a very forgiving medium for I am a decidedly awkward maker. When I make something, it generally resembles the output of a five year-old, if the child were a bit challenged in the eye-hand coordination department. And yet, this never stops me. I have long since left behind the shame of my less than perfect creations. What I know is that when I make something for someone (including … View Post

oh, the people you’ll meet

“I do Squam for the people I meet and the chance to be in nature.” – Kerry Lemon Hello and welcome to Tuesday, otherwise known as Day Two of our SQUAM LOVE FEST! Today we’ve got LOVE ANGEL and self-made woman Kerry Lemon at Morning on the Dock — head over and give it a listen! She shares how she created her extraordinary business and how she keeps it vital, alive and the choices she makes to keep her so blissfully happy. Among the many … View Post

how much love can you receive?

I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. – Song of Myself, Walt Whitman Hello and welcome to an entire WEEK OF SQUAM LOVE! Yes, we are doing this. Yes, this is a thing. Yes, this is inspired by Valentine’s Day waiting for us on Sunday, and yet, this is so much MORE than a celebration of romantic, sentimental, pink streamers and heart-shaped candy. I am actually taking a … View Post

the creative lens

| last week in photos | FROM NYC FROM THE STUDIO & HOME a few things for you: 1. *check out these gorgeous journals from Hadron Epoch Designs 2. this exhibition at the MET 3. Susannah’s Daily Guidence Course