The Iconic Self


Thursday September 13th

Friday September 14th -- almost full!

Experience level:

“I am my own muse.
I am the subject I know best.
The subject I want to better.”
– Frida Kahlo

We come into this world unique and yet, it is the rare spirit that can fiercely guard its individuality from a world committed to crushing it out of us. There is an ever present pressure to conform to trends, norms and cultural dictates. This year there is a show traveling across the country, Living Modern, an exhibit that celebrates the clothes, shoes and personal objects of Georgia O’Keeffe. How we clothe and adorn ourselves may not seem like art, but as one reviewer wrote in The New Yorker, “Living Modern” makes clear that O’Keeffe’s style was not ancillary to her genius but fundamental to it.”

Although we might walk through the world feeling that a focus on our attire is utterly superficial, to know a key aspect of our multidimensional self and clearly present it to the world is extremely powerful. In this class, we are going to find out who our inner iconic self is. The beauty in the approach that Tif and Elizabeth bring to this adventure is that all stereotypes, archetypes, fashion rules will get kicked to the curb. There is no one else like you, there never has been and never will be again. When you are given the chance to truly express this, it is both empowering and a revelation. Element by element, piece by piece, you will illuminate and articulate your iconic self. Whether it is through clothing, adornment, body paint, flowers and leaves, statement rings, tribal decoration or some wild combination thereof, we will end the day looking in the mirror at a dimension of our personality we might not have even known was there.


Kit fee: 20 USD


Please bring your favorite pen or pencil to write with. Aside from that, all materials will be provided. OPTIONAL: if you have one item (a pair of shoes, brooch, hat, etc) that holds particular power for you, feel free to bring it along.