:: save the date ::

13 SEPTEMBER – 17 SEPTEMBER  2023 YES! Next September we will be gathering at the lake and there is a most fabulous line-up of teachers and classes that await—sneak peek + FAQ below. Full details will be up here at the website when registration opens on Friday, December 2nd, but I thought to share the dates now so you can plug them into your calendar in case planning for some time at the lake is just what your heart needs. Because I know some of … View Post

The Magic of Myth :: Where the Circle Meets

Where the Circle Meets is a workshop that takes place at the SQUAMLOVE Community. Once you register, you can access the class. CLICK HERE to join the SQUAMLOVE Community   We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, … View Post

solace + sanctuary

things take the time they take – mary oliver Above is one sacred moment I recorded on my phone early one morning on Squam lake. I hope you will take a minute to sink in an enjoy it, let the peace and stillness (that is also full of birdsong and moving skies and water) offer solace to your spirit. It is no secret that the poems of Mary Oliver have carried me through many, many life experiences and always seemed to have just the right … View Post

moments of grace

photo credit ::  Elizabeth Duvivier If there is a bigger challenge than finding our way through a world that holds both beauty and horror, I don’t know what it is. We all need a lamp and a guide. Even Joseph Campbell, the scholar of mythology and religion, traveled all the way to a remote part of India to meet with a revered guru in India and ask him, “if I say YES to Life, does this mean I have to say YES to all of … View Post

one day, one conversation

“Therefore, I want people to understand this: It is much easier to have a conversation with someone on Instagram whether it is nice, constructive, or just outright bullying. It’s much harder to actually have a conversation face-to-face with people and to talk about the issues. It feels like the same people are talking to each other online and we need to take this message beyond Instagram.” – Diane Ivey, Perspective  May 3rd, 2019  On Sunday, July 21st 2019 a group of creatives from the maker … View Post