Shannon Downey

Shannon Downey better known as Badass Cross Stitch, is a community organizer disguised as a fiber artist and craftivist. She blends her politics, activism, and art into projects that are designed to inspire others to take action, think, discuss, engage with democracy and their community, and find some digital/analog balance.

Her work has been featured in Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Time, Money, Bust, Refinery29, Fast Company, and Elle to name a few. She is the instigator behind #RitasQuilt and @BadassHerstory and is on a quest to teach 1 million people to embroider and invite society to rethink how we categorize and value craft and art.

Her life motto is: Make Art. Build Community. Destroy Systems of Oppression. Create Digital/Analog Balance. And Laugh A Lot.