Bibby Gignilliat

Bibby Gignilliat is living the dream. The historic old shipyard building that houses her studio in Sausalito, CA is shared with another 150 artists which provides a rich, diverse environment for creative exploration.

And, she is the one who created this dream.

As a child, Bibby loved painting and drawing but when she was twelve, a critical teacher crushed her spirit and Bibby turned her attention elsewhere. Flash forward to 2014 when she began painting again. This time, there was no stopping her. She sold the successful creative business she had built up over twenty years and launched fully into her art.

In 2021, her work was chosen for the DeYoung Open at the DeYoung Museum. It is available through her studio and galleries across the country.

Despite her wild success, Bibby has never lost sight of her journey and is committed to helping others nurture their creativity.

“I wanted to reclaim something that had been dormant my whole life. It has been a true homecoming. I teach and many of my students report this same kind of story – that they loved art as a child but lost sight of it for various reasons. I help my students ignite that creativity in themselves by coming out to play in a mixed media workshop.”