Ann + Autumn

What sweet magic is this? In Imagination Day Camp you have
two exceptional makers joining their creative gifts into one
beautiful offering:  Ann Wood + Autumn Coe Song.

Ann Wood

Ann works with mostly found and salvaged materials many of them vintage or antique garments. She is interested in transformation: cardboard boxes from the fancy grocery store on her block become turreted little castles and follies and windmills, and wretched and ruined old petticoats and gowns become roiling boiling seas for paper mache ships and boats.

She enjoys using unassuming materials, cardboard, paper and other discarded things.

The practicality appeals to her and she loves the idea of giving the humblest and most common materials and tired, dispirited and faded things new importance and meaning.

There is a kind of affection and tenderness in the re-use and re-purposing of things that were once personal and perhaps treasured possessions. Much of her inspiration comes from these materials as well as from many of the ideas she has been infatuated with her whole life : smallness, intricacies, miniaturization, collections, repetition; lost or abandoned things discovered and rescued; the idea of haunted and enchanted places, the setting of a tiny stage.

Autumn Coe Song

I am a juicy old crone-in-the-making, living with one Beloved, one doglet, one buddha cat and one piggie in a turreted temple on an island in the PNW.

My makes used to be a reaction to my external world and the requirements of me in all the roles I fulfilled. An emergency and urgency to their creation in the hopes of keeping the thin thread of a lifeline to sanity from breaking on any given day.

These days my makes are a response to my internal world and the dialogue between a soul and the Divine. No longer frantic in their construction but emerging from a slow-paced downloading of words, symbols and thoughts… Visuals glimpsed through the inner knowing that when Grace comes a-calling and I am bestowed the blessing of being awake to the moment, I may receive with open hands and heart.

Always a work-in-progress. Always time for silliness. Always counting my blessings.